Nike's Blog


“money doesnt buy happiness” factoid actualy just statistical error. average person is happy with money. Twitter Elon, who bought a website full of people who hate him, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


When Jordan 🅱️ Peterson wrote his Tweet about how there are “cathedrals everywhere for those with the eyes to see”, do you think he was talking about cathedrals in the Moldbugian sense

#shorts #what

(parallel universe where cats are sticky):

Can you help me bro my cat is stuck on the ceiling

#shorts #what

in hindsight cohost was the pdf of social media


naming yourself mr beast and renting the pyramids is soo antichristcoded. bro is false prophetmaxxing

#shorts #what

You know what I'll just start writing my stupid little thoughts here so I don't have to worry about “polluting” my “professional” feeds
